Saturday, June 6, 2009


anyone who lurked or participated at the AE PS forums for the first 10 months or so from the show's dec. 2007 airing will remember a particular poster......

in a different entry below, i said:

both ryan and chipples have just pooh-poohed the whole thing off.

well, not so much chipppers, he's sounding pretty riled

and is threatening libel lawsuits.

now who does THAT remind us of kiddies??????

just thought i'd show who i was referring to in that little insider-aside, and this is a very small sampling of many, many similar posts by psfan512 (pnsfan, pmsfan, chip??):

Posts: 477
From: Paranormal State, USA
Registered: 12/22/07
(21 of 81)

Re: How can this show be made better?

Jan 5, 2008 7:04 PM

Actually, Tommy, you cannot say (or write) whatever you want, according to the laws that protect persons from libel, slander and defamation of character.

If, in any manner, you damage an individual's reputation or income by something spoken or written -- and malice can be proven -- there are grounds for legal action.

And regardless of how anyone on this board views me, those words are 100% FACT!

Posts: 477
From: Paranormal State, USA
Registered: 12/22/07
(19 of 81)

Re: How can this show be made better?

Jan 5, 2008 6:53 PM

I advise you to exert extreme caution with naming names and making further comments that you may regret.

Speaking of lawsuits, some of the people you are naming may come after YOU!

I have made Ryan Buell, Chip Coffey and Lorraine Warren aware of the comments posted about them on this message board.

And if you think that your "hidden identity" cannot quickly be discovered, think again.

Posts: 477
From: Paranormal State, USA
Registered: 12/22/07
(25 of 81)

Re: How can this show be made better?

Jan 5, 2008 7:34 PM

I'm not at all suggesting that people cannot or should not take potshots at this (or any) TV program, book, CD, etc.

Yes, I happen to like PS and I am on this board to present an opposing viewpoint to those who malign the show. That is my privilege.

What is not appropriate -- or legal -- is maligning the reputation or character of individuals by spoken or written words.

No matter how you (or anyone else) tries to spin it, that's a FACT!

And if you don't think that a greedy lawyer would take the case, you're mistaken.

As for your assumption that most people hate the show, that's not necessarily so. Just because the people who like the show aren't haunting message boards does NOT mean that the show is lacking in loyal, appreciative fans.

Posts: 477
From: Paranormal State, USA
Registered: 12/22/07
(23 of 81)

Re: How can this show be made better?

Jan 5, 2008 7:16 PM

You completely miss my point here, Tommy!

People on these boards have slammed, belittled and made crude innuendos about many of the people on PS. Those are NOT mere opinions. Those are potentially damaging remarks and they are most assuredly considered libelous.

Now, will Ryan, Chip or Lorraine pursue lawsuits? That's left up to them to decide.

Posts: 477
From: Paranormal State, USA
Registered: 12/22/07
(76 of 92)

Re: Canceled?

May 1, 2008 1:27 PM

instead, they just threaten to sue the big boys every chance they get. and all for simply joking about pink ponies and neverland ranch.

Maligning and libeling the character of others is never simply a joke!

It's serious business. Morally and legally!

Posts: 477
From: Paranormal State, USA
Registered: 12/22/07
(78 of 92)

Re: Canceled?

May 1, 2008 1:45 PM

I may not be extremely well-versed about internet laws...

but I know a team of lawyers who are!

And certain issues are flying high on their radars right about now!

Ignorance is correctable, but stupidity is a lifelong affliction.

I love my "mystick" friends!


  1. That lawsuit would be a milestone to be sure! How would either Coffey or Buell prove slander or libel? First they would both have to prove that the supernatural exists, that Coffey can speak with the dead and Ryan really knows how to fight demons.
    If they are not careful, the Judge may send them to Belleview for psychiatric testing!

  2. That is very very true yes there are libel and slander laws but there are also laws regarding fraud and theft so Chipper you just might to start by shutting your big fat mouth! Like it or not Chipper you go to court and you better be damn sure you have that alleged gift you claim to have or your going to have alot of problems! No.1 they find your a fraud and the Feds will be up your ass so fast you won't even hear the cell door close! Trust me Chipper your going to have to prove your ability is real and I doubt very much you can do it!

  3. Keep in mind Chipper the court and the defense will require proof and that proof isn't wishful thinking! Also Chipper keep in mind you are taking money for your alleged ability from people who call you on the phone because of your claimed ability, and if your proven a fraud ...well thats Federal charges buddy! And if they find out your a fraud Chipper with that TV show about Kids thats child abuse punk! You seem to forget about there are other laws out there!
